West Jordan Symphony

West Jordan Symphony is an all-volunteer organization of musicians from around the Salt Lake Valley dedicated to the performance of great music.

We rehearse regularly on Saturdays 9:00-11:30 AM.

Messiah Sing-a-long 2023 @Viridian
7:00 PM19:00

Messiah Sing-a-long 2023 @Viridian

The West Jordan Symphony is holding our 29th annual "sing-along" of Handel's Messiah. The performance will be held on the evening of Sunday, December 17, 2023, 7PM, at the Viridian Event Center. Free admission. Reservations are required. All seats are full. There will be a stand by line for anyone without reservations. At about 6:45 all empty seats will be filled with standby. There will be a limited number of vocal score books available for guests to borrow.

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9:00 AM09:00

Dress Rehearsal

  • 1945 West 9000 South West Jordan, UT, 84088 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please see the schedule below for Saturday and note that we will be in a different building this week:

1945 West 9000 South
West Jordan, UT 84088

Winds, brass, and percussion: please make sure you are on-site and ready to warm up by 10:00.

As a reminder, our Christmas concert starts at 6:00 PM and will be held at the Viridian.

Rehearsal Schedule

9:00-9:20: #18 - "Rejoice Greatly" (clarinet, bassoon, strings)

9:20-9:40: #45 - "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" (clarinet, bassoon, horn, strings)

9:40-10:00: #9 - "O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion" (flute, clarinet, bassoon, horn, strings)

Short break

10:10-11:30: Christmas music (FULL ORCHESTRA)

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7:00 PM19:00

Fall Concert

Program PDF Link

Medley from Pirates of the Caribbean
Klaus Badelt (arr. Ricketts)
Music from Loki
Natalie Holt (arr. Brown)
“In the Hall of the Mountain King” from Peer Gynt
Edvard Grieg
The Magic of Harry Potter
John Williams et al. (arr. Story)
Danse macabre
Camille Saint-Saëns
Adam Howell, violin
“The Old Castle” from Pictures at an Exhibition
Modest Mussorgsky (arr. Tushmalov)
Selections from The Phantom of the Opera
Andrew Lloyd Webber (arr. Custer)
“Berceuse and Finale” from The Firebird Suite
Igor Stravinsky

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11:30 AM11:30

Handel's Messiah - Vocal Soloist Auditions

The West Jordan Symphony is holding open auditions for vocal soloists for our 28th annual "sing-along" performance of Handel's Messiah. The performance will be held on Sunday, December 18th, at 7:00 PM at the Viridian Event Center in West Jordan.

Soloists should prepare one aria from Messiah. Recommended pieces are listed below.

  • Soloists may audition unlisted pieces, but there is no guarantee that the piece will be selected for performance.

  • Multiple soloists will be selected to give as many qualified performers a chance to sing with the orchestra as possible. As such, the piece with which you audition may not be the piece you are selected to sing.

    • We will confirm piece selections with the soloists before finalizing the performer list.

  • Soloists must be available to attend rehearsals on select Saturday mornings between 9:00 – 11:30 AM from November 5th through December 10th

    • Soloists will be invited on a per-week basis and are not expected to attend all rehearsals during this time-frame.

  • Soloists must also available for the dress rehearsal on December 17th, which will run from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

  • Final selection is subject to soloist interest/availability, orchestral preparation, and the discretion of the Music Director and Board.

Recommended Solos:

2. Comfort ye my people (Tenor)
3. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (Tenor)
5. Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts (Bass)
6. But who may abide the day of His coming (Bass)
8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto)
9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Alto/Chorus)
14 a,b. There were shepherds abiding in the field (Soprano)
15. And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them (Soprano)
16. And suddenly there was an angel (Soprano)
19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd (Alto)
20. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Duet Alto/Soprano)
23. He was Despised (Alto)
30. Behold and see if there be any sorrow (tenor or soprano)
45. I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano)
47. Behold, I tell you a Mystery (Bass)
48. The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass)

Auditions will be held on the following dates in the cultural hall of the LDS chapel at 3407 West 9625 South | South Jordan, UT 84095.

  • Saturday, October 8th, from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

  • Saturday, October 15th, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Alternate dates or times can potentially be arranged at the discretion of the Music Director and Board

Please RSVP by e-mailing wjsymphony@gmail.com indicating your name, which piece you are interested in singing at the audition, and on which of the two days you will be attending.

A pianist will be available for accompaniment.

Note that the West Jordan Symphony is a community symphonic orchestra fully run and staffed by volunteers. We greatly appreciate the time and skill of all the soloists volunteering their talents for this performance!

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11:30 AM11:30

Handel's Messiah - Vocal Soloist Auditions

The West Jordan Symphony is holding open auditions for vocal soloists for our 28th annual "sing-along" performance of Handel's Messiah. The performance will be held on Sunday, December 18th, at 7:00 PM at the Viridian Event Center in West Jordan.

Soloists should prepare one aria from Messiah. Recommended pieces are listed below.

  • Soloists may audition unlisted pieces, but there is no guarantee that the piece will be selected for performance.

  • Multiple soloists will be selected to give as many qualified performers a chance to sing with the orchestra as possible. As such, the piece with which you audition may not be the piece you are selected to sing.

    • We will confirm piece selections with the soloists before finalizing the performer list.

  • Soloists must be available to attend rehearsals on select Saturday mornings between 9:00 – 11:30 AM from November 5th through December 10th

    • Soloists will be invited on a per-week basis and are not expected to attend all rehearsals during this time-frame.

  • Soloists must also available for the dress rehearsal on December 17th, which will run from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

  • Final selection is subject to soloist interest/availability, orchestral preparation, and the discretion of the Music Director and Board.

Recommended Solos:

2. Comfort ye my people (Tenor)
3. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (Tenor)
5. Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts (Bass)
6. But who may abide the day of His coming (Bass)
8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto)
9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Alto/Chorus)
14 a,b. There were shepherds abiding in the field (Soprano)
15. And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them (Soprano)
16. And suddenly there was an angel (Soprano)
19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd (Alto)
20. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Duet Alto/Soprano)
23. He was Despised (Alto)
30. Behold and see if there be any sorrow (tenor or soprano)
45. I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano)
47. Behold, I tell you a Mystery (Bass)
48. The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass)

Auditions will be held on the following dates in the cultural hall of the LDS chapel at 3407 West 9625 South | South Jordan, UT 84095.

  • Saturday, October 8th, from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

  • Saturday, October 15th, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Alternate dates or times can potentially be arranged at the discretion of the Music Director and Board

Please RSVP by e-mailing wjsymphony@gmail.com indicating your name, which piece you are interested in singing at the audition, and on which of the two days you will be attending.

A pianist will be available for accompaniment.

Note that the West Jordan Symphony is a community symphonic orchestra fully run and staffed by volunteers. We greatly appreciate the time and skill of all the soloists volunteering their talents for this performance!

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7:30 PM19:30

Spring Concert 2022

In the Steppes of Central Asia - Alexander Borodin

Overture from Orpheus in the Underworld - Jacques Offenbach arr. Louis Bergonzi

Waltz from Sleeping Beauty - Peter Tchaikovsky

L’Arlesienne Medley including Suite No. 1, Ouverture, Suite No. 2 Intermezzo, Suite No. 1 Carillon - Georges Bizet

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Allegro - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Pastoral from The Messiah - George Handel

The Blue Danube - Johann Strauss Jr.

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Solo and Ensemble Concert
7:00 PM19:00

Solo and Ensemble Concert

Symphony No. 2 - Anson Baliel

I. Allegro

World Premiere

  • West Jordan Symphony

Trio Sonata, HWV 386b - George Frideric Handel

I. Andante; II. Allegro

  • Kirstin Hoyt, oboe

  • Adam Howell, violin

  • Suzanne Partridge, piano

“Princess Leia’s Theme” - John Williams

from Star Wars, arr. Tony Esposito

  • Diana Larsen, flute

  • Linda Pratt, piano

Cello Concerto, op. 85 - Edward Elgar

I. Adagio, Moderato

  • Ryan Stocks, cello

  • West Jordan Symphony

“Kitty-Valse” - Gabriel Fauré

from Dolly Suite, op. 56

  • Mark Atencio, piano

  • Suzanne Atencio, piano

August Idyll - Daniel Dorff

  • Jenifer Swanson, flute

War Between the States 1861-1865 - Traditional

arr. Howard Cable

  • HeartBrass Music

    • Paul Brown, trumpet 1

    • Mike Renehan, trumpet 2

    • Jacob Wheelwright, double horn

    • Michael Taft, trombone

    • Todd Hadden, tuba

    • Hyrum Taft, tuba

“Méditation” - Jules Massenet

from Thaïs

  • Chung Dai, violin

  • West Jordan Symphony

Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, BWV 1050 - Johann Sebastian Bach

I. Allegro

  • Jenifer Swanson, flute

  • Adam Howell, violin

  • Eric Bowden, cello

“Inspector Gadget Theme” - Shuki Levy

  • Louise Pledge, piano

  • Carolin Spencer, piano

Der Spiegel (The Mirror) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • Mark Asay, violin

  • Scott Asay, violin

Finlandia, op. 26 - Jean Sibelius

  • West Jordan Symphony

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9:00 AM09:00


Due to the number of COVID cases in the Salt Lake Valley, the Board decided that it would be best to split rehearsal time so that we can practice better social distancing. As such, the schedule for 1/29 (and probably 2/5) at City Hall will be as follows:

9:00 – 10:05: strings
10:25 – 11:30: winds and brass
*wind and brass players please arrive around 10:15 so that the
strings have enough time to clear the room before you enter.

We will hand out copies of Finlandia and sight-read it along with the Elgar Cello Concerto and the first movement to Anson Baliel’s Symphony #2 (a new composition). Please use the links below to access and print your part to the Elgar and the Baliel. Copies will not be available at rehearsal.

Elgar: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vWqMrgtm3Dsxr7a9-KhFhTWOrNyHjHzq?usp=sharing

Baliel: <sent in e-mail>

We also strongly recommend the use of high-quality masks whenever possible. String players can remain masked while playing, and wind/brass players would only need to remove their masks when actually using their instruments. Our goal is for everyone in the ensemble to be safe and to avoid ANY COVID infections from rehearsal attendance.

Thank you in advance for your hard work and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to bring them up with board members in a private setting.

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10:00 AM10:00

Solo and Ensemble Auditions

This concert provides an opportunity for local musicians to perform a musical number of their choosing as part of a small ensemble (solo, duo, trio, quartet, etc.) as part of a larger concert. The symphony is also open to performing one or two large ensemble concerti.

The Solo and Ensemble Concert will take place Saturday, March 19, 7 PM at the Viridian Event Center (West Jordan Library). The Viridian does have a piano available for performance use.

Ensembles that wish to perform should be prepared to audition on Saturday, January 22, 10 AM at West Jordan City Hall (in the Community Room, i.e., where we normally rehearse). Ensemble pieces should be no longer than 10 minutes in duration. Note that ensemble members are expected to prepare for this concert outside of normal rehearsal time. (Example Solo and Ensemble programs from March 2020, and March 2019.)

Soloists wishing to perform a symphony-backed concerto must notify us by e-mail (wjsymphony@gmail.com) with the details of the concerto by Saturday, January 8th. Soloists are responsible for providing the music for the symphony to use for the performance. Concerto soloists will audition on the same day and time as the other small ensembles.

We understand there are only a couple weeks to prepare for the audition, perfection is not expected or required--the audition should convince the panel that the ensemble has a strong enough foundation that, with two months, they will be able to perform in March.

Finally, we would appreciate an RSVP (wjsymphony@gmail.com) if an ensemble knows what they're planning on playing, if possible, so we can allocate enough time for the panel. Walk-ups are welcome, too.

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11:00 PM23:00

Solo and Ensemble - Solo Concerto Deadline

Details about the Solo and Ensemble Concert and auditions are available here.

Soloists wishing to perform a symphony-backed concerto for the March Solo and Ensemble concert must notify us by e-mail (wjsymphony@gmail.com) with the details of the concerto by Saturday, January 8th. Soloists are responsible for providing the music for the symphony to use for the performance. Concerto soloists will audition on the same day and time as the other small ensembles.

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Handel's Messiah Vocal Soloist Audition
11:30 AM11:30

Handel's Messiah Vocal Soloist Audition

The West Jordan Symphony is holding open auditions for vocal soloists for our 27th annual "sing-along" performance of Handel's Messiah. The performance will be held on Sunday evening, December 19, 2021, 7PM, at the Viridian Event Center in West Jordan!

Soloists should prepare an aria from the Messiah he or she would like to perform. The following are recommended pieces--soloists may audition unlisted pieces, but that will not guarantee that piece will be performed. The final piece selection is subject to soloist interest/availability, orchestral preparation, etc.

Selected soloists will perform with the West Jordan Symphony--multiple soloists will be selected to give as many qualified performers a chance to sing with the orchestra as possible. As such, the piece you audition with may not be the piece you are selected to sing (we will confirm piece selections with the soloists before finalizing the performer list).

Recommended Solos:

2. Comfort ye my people (Tenor)
3. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (Tenor)
5. Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts (Bass)
6. But who may abide the day of His coming (Alto)
8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto)
9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Alto/Chorus)
14 a,b. There were shepherds abiding in the field (Soprano)
15. And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them (Soprano)
16. And suddenly there was an angel (Soprano)
19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd (Alto)
20. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Duet Alto/Soprano)
23. He was Despised (Alto)
30. Behold and see if there be any sorrow (tenor or soprano)
45. I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano)
47. Behold, I tell you a Mystery (Bass)
48. The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass)

Auditions will be held over two weekends at West Jordan City Hall (8000 S Redwood Road) in the 1st Floor Community Room:

  • Saturday, October 30th at 11:30 AM.

  • Saturday, November 6th at 11:30 AM.

Please RSVP by replying to this e-mail (or e-mailing wjsymphony@gmail.com) indicating your name, which piece you are interested in singing at the audition, and on which of the two days you will be attending.

A pianist will be available for accompaniment.

Note that the West Jordan Symphony is a community symphonic orchestra fully run and staffed by volunteers! We greatly appreciate the time and skill of all the soloists volunteering their talents for this performance!

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Handel's Messiah Vocal Soloist Audition
11:30 AM11:30

Handel's Messiah Vocal Soloist Audition

The West Jordan Symphony is holding open auditions for vocal soloists for our 27th annual "sing-along" performance of Handel's Messiah. The performance will be held on Sunday evening, December 19, 2021, 7PM, at the Viridian Event Center in West Jordan!

Soloists should prepare an aria from the Messiah he or she would like to perform. The following are recommended pieces--soloists may audition unlisted pieces, but that will not guarantee that piece will be performed. The final piece selection is subject to soloist interest/availability, orchestral preparation, etc.

Selected soloists will perform with the West Jordan Symphony--multiple soloists will be selected to give as many qualified performers a chance to sing with the orchestra as possible. As such, the piece you audition with may not be the piece you are selected to sing (we will confirm piece selections with the soloists before finalizing the performer list).

Recommended Solos:

2. Comfort ye my people (Tenor)
3. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (Tenor)
5. Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts (Bass)
6. But who may abide the day of His coming (Alto)
8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto)
9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Alto/Chorus)
14 a,b. There were shepherds abiding in the field (Soprano)
15. And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them (Soprano)
16. And suddenly there was an angel (Soprano)
19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd (Alto)
20. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Duet Alto/Soprano)
23. He was Despised (Alto)
30. Behold and see if there be any sorrow (tenor or soprano)
45. I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano)
47. Behold, I tell you a Mystery (Bass)
48. The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass)

Auditions will be held over two weekends at West Jordan City Hall (8000 S Redwood Road) in the 1st Floor Community Room:

  • Saturday, October 30th at 11:30 AM.

  • Saturday, November 6th at 11:30 AM.

Please RSVP by replying to this e-mail (or e-mailing wjsymphony@gmail.com) indicating your name, which piece you are interested in singing at the audition, and on which of the two days you will be attending.

A pianist will be available for accompaniment.

Note that the West Jordan Symphony is a community symphonic orchestra fully run and staffed by volunteers! We greatly appreciate the time and skill of all the soloists volunteering their talents for this performance!

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Fall Symphony Concert
7:00 PM19:00

Fall Symphony Concert

Fall Concert 2021

Free Admission (no ticket required)

Program PDF

Concert Flyer PNG

The West Jordan Symphony is proud to present our first concert of the 2021-2022 season! We’re excited to have our wind and brass players with us again after a year-long hiatus due to COVID! Tonight’s concert features a “Mix-tape” Symphony where individual movements from multiple symphonies have been combined together to form a “new” symphony, including:

Overture to L'Amant anonyme, Joseph Bologne
Symphony No. 2 in B Minor, Movement 1 (“Allegro”), Alexander Borodin
Scherzo in D Minor, Sergei Rachmaninoff
Symphony No. 9, Movement 2 (“Largo”), Antonin Dvorak
Symphony No. 5, Movement 4 (“Allegro”), Ludwig van Beethoven

Please join us this evening, at 7:00 PM MDT

Viridian Event Center
8030 South 1825 West
West Jordan, UT 84088

Free Admission!

We will also live-stream the concert on the West Jordan Symphony Facebook page, and it will be available for later viewing on our YouTube page. For those attending in person, there will be Trick or Treating afterwards for the kids!


  • Overture to L'Amant anonyme - Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges (1739-1799)

  • Symphonic “Mix-tape”

  • Symphony No. 2 in B Minor, Movement 1 (“Allegro”) - Alexander Borodin (1833-1887)

  • Scherzo in D Minor - Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)

  • Symphony No. 9, Movement 2 (“Largo”) - Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904)

  • Symphony No. 5, Movement 4 (“Allegro”) - Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

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9:00 AM09:00

Dress Rehearsal

Dress rehearsal for tonight’s concert!

The dress rehearsal will be at the Viridian (the West Jordan Library, just southwest of city hall).

Please bring a music stand!

Call time for the performance tonight is 6:30.

If anyone is available to come early (~8:20) to help roll the timpani from city hall to the viridian, that’d be awesome (even better, if you have a truck or van ;)

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Spring Concert
7:30 PM19:30

Spring Concert

Our annual Spring Concert features the West Jordan Symphony String Orchestra, and will be Live-Streamed from the Viridian this year! Tune in for a set of popular classics including Barber’s Adagio for Strings and Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite!

Concert Program PDF

Concert repertoire includes:

  • Symphony No. 40, Movement 1

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) arr. Ignacio Massun

  • Peer Gynt Suite No. 1

Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) arr. Carrie Griselle

  • Adagio for Strings

Samuel Barber (1910-1981)

  • Concerto Op. 3, No. 8 (Double Violin Concerto)

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

Featuring violin soloists Adam Howell and Denisse Vallecillos

Live Stream Link: https://fb.me/e/3J4C96vId

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Rehearsal

  • Juan Diego Catholic High School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dear Members of the West Jordan Symphony,

Great news! Juan Diego High School has graciously agreed to let us use their bandroom for rehearsals, starting THIS SATURDAY (2/6). I realize that this is somewhat short notice, but I would rather start with whoever can come rather than losing a week of rehearsal. Please arrive at the building between 9:15 and 9:25 so that we can begin rehearsing promptly at 9:30. Rehearsal will likely go until a time between 11:00 and 11:30 (we only have two-pieces in-hand right now). As a reminder, at this time we are only able to include string players for this concert.

Please park in the south parking lot, and enter through the south doors, turn into the left hallway after entering the high school, and the band room will be on the left.

Also, if at all possible, please print off your part from the links below and come to rehearsal with the music. If you are unable to do so, please e-mail me and let me know by 7:00 PM on Friday so that I can print you a part.
Vivaldi Concerto (all 3 movements)

Mozart Symphony 40 (movement 1 only)

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Rehearsal

  • Juan Diego Catholic High School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dear Members of the West Jordan Symphony,

Great news! Juan Diego High School has graciously agreed to let us use their bandroom for rehearsals, starting THIS SATURDAY (2/6). I realize that this is somewhat short notice, but I would rather start with whoever can come rather than losing a week of rehearsal. Please arrive at the building between 9:15 and 9:25 so that we can begin rehearsing promptly at 9:30. Rehearsal will likely go until a time between 11:00 and 11:30 (we only have two-pieces in-hand right now). As a reminder, at this time we are only able to include string players for this concert.

Please park in the south parking lot, and enter through the south doors, turn into the left hallway after entering the high school, and the band room will be on the left.

Also, if at all possible, please print off your part from the links below and come to rehearsal with the music. If you are unable to do so, please e-mail me and let me know by 7:00 PM on Friday so that I can print you a part.
Vivaldi Concerto (all 3 movements)

Mozart Symphony 40 (movement 1 only)

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Copyright © 2025 West Jordan Symphony. All rights reserved.